A Pug Saved Me

So far, 2018 has been a barnburner. Ray and I are posting a sign over our front door. Hapless visitors deserve a warning that they’re entering a ring of hell when they step over our threshold. While writing Frozen Statues last winter, I had the irrational fear that art would imitate life. One scene—vital to [ ... ]


A Gift

A gift for you

LAST WEEK I bought a zero-gravity chair and marble table for the patio. There was a lovely spot under the Magnolia tree that needed a quiet reading chair. Isn’t it cute? Sadly, it’s rained every day since I tucked it into position. So, I’m stuck in my office with my three pug Muses. Cole and Porsche [ ... ]


Website Redesign

2015 Website

Books are a uniquely portable magic. —Stephen King I’M PROUD TO announce the release of the newly redesigned Perdition Games website! Designer Mike Doyle gathered reader feedback and created an interactive website that reflects those ideas. Thanks to everyone who offered thoughts & opinions, your participation was priceless. In addition to adding social media feeds, an [ ... ]


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