The Silent Wife

From the Book Jacket… Jodi and Todd are at a bad place in their marriage. Both are at the mercy of their unrelenting wants and needs, and both are unaware that the path they are on is careening toward murder. Much is at stake, including the affluent life they lead in their beautiful waterfront condo [ ... ]


Turner: Bitter Change

From the Book Jacket… Change happens. It’s a fact of life. But what if the change is so drastic it irrevocably alters your entire society, your whole world? TITLE:             Turner: Bitter Change AUTHOR:        Bea Cannon PUBLISHED:  18-Nov-2014 PUBLISHER:  Bea Cannon GENRE:           Science Fiction > Fantasy [ ... ]


Flash Blood, Joseph Hirsch

Interview & Coffee

From the Book Jacket… Blood is the Drug. After twenty years as a private investigator, Detective James Arklow is seriously contemplating retirement—that is, until a man named Dan Maple shows up at his door holding one-hundred thousand dollars. He promises another hundred grand if Arklow agrees to find a missing drug addict and veteran of [ ... ]


Authors, Celebrate Your Editor

During dinner with friends last week, one of the women stated how shocked she was over the process genre authors go through to publish a book. Sure, she said while stuffing shrimp into her mouth, if you’re trying to win a prestigious literary award, there’s more to it. She believes “mainstream” genre writing is easy [ ... ]


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